"In this world that is constantly shifting and drifting, take a moment to stop, be still and simply be the observer of this game of trancience and impermanence."
About me
It was through philosophy and meditation that I began my Yoga journey.
This was accompanied by an actual journey - around the globe - beginning in 2008. Eventually, I arrived in India in 2017 to continue my Yoga studies. I arrived at Kranti Yoga where I completed a 200hr YTTC and stayed on afterwards to volunteer teaching.
I had a strong desire to share what I learnt with others and to keep learning myself. After my wonderful experience at Kranti, I decided to continue to travel around India and receive more teachings: I completed my 300 hr YTTC in Mysore, travelled to the Himalayas for 100 hr Meditation YTTC in Dharamsala, then travelled South to Kerala and studied Ayurveda at PVS Ayurvedic Hospital and Academy.
My studies continued in Sri Lanka, and eventually 1 year later I found myself returning to Kranti Yoga to develop a Yin Yoga Teacher Training (in association with other talented teachers, Didier Meynders and Julia Gavin) where I taught for a further 3 years.
Nowadays I am dedicated to sharing what I have learnt and experienced through organizing Yin Yoga Teacher Trainings in India, and I am beginning a new journey to take these teachings around the globe.
Yin Yoga and Yoga philosophy teacher
It seems like there is so much knowledge to adquiere from all those Yoga philosophy books... But it is actually very simple, Yoga it's all in You.
The traveler
Living in this world but not being of it.
Desing a life that You are inspired to live!